Tuesday, March 12, 2019

#CSW63 Self-Care

Tuesday 11th March 2019

Reflections for the day is that the #CSW63 is a powerful and empowering space for women. Whether you are an NGO, diplomat, trade unionist, campaigner, this week is about engaging with the wide picture of discrimination faced by women and girls across the world.

Although we are being given examples of where our activism is working and improving the lives of our sisters, unfortunately this is overtaken by examples of where we need to work or try harder.

We are activists because we are able to empathise and sympathise in connection with our sisters across the world, but what motivates us is the willingness and skills to take action.

We are here this week because we are driven to make a difference.

BUT as activists we also must look after our wellbeing, activist burnout is a very real consequence of being active. And as activists we often sacrifice ourselves for the struggle.

However we are too important to the struggle to not look after ourselves.

It is not selfish to step away from the emails/phone/letters to do something else.

It is not selfish to spend time socialising with your friends and family.

It is not selfish to go on holiday and not take your phone.

It is not selfish to not spend another Saturday organising a rally or march. to go watch your children play sport or visit your mother.

As a first time attendee to #CSW63 it is important to note that we must prioritise self care:
  • Try to give your self space in between sessions to think and reconcile what you have heard
  • Identify one thing you will do as a result of what you have heard- ie post about it on social media, talk to sister about your thoughts,  send an email, 
  • Emotionally rebalance - hug it out, cry or laugh, go for a walk, read a book/magazine, watch a cat video :) 
  • Find yourself - remember why you are involved in the struggle, what drove you to get active
As activists, we are only as good as our own wellbeing. Our strength is the capacity to fight for others but we must also fight for ourselves too.  We are all part of a wider struggle, we are all linked and connected so we must look after each other and be a strength to our sisters, aunts, daughters, mothers, grandmothers.

We matter, because our sisters matter

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